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Southern Region's Inquiry: K-Question

In the approaching weeks, the Union will settle the contest over its prospective leader. Markus Söder seized this chance to present his standpoints.

Markus Söder, representing the CSU, views the election outcome in East Germany as seismic.
Markus Söder, representing the CSU, views the election outcome in East Germany as seismic.

- Southern Region's Inquiry: K-Question

Bavaria's Chief Minister, Markus Söder (CSU), has once again expressed his desire for a Union's Chancellor position, despite the upcoming elections in Eastern Germany. "I find being a Minister-President the most delightful role. Yet, I'm not one to shrink from leading our nation," he shared during the political chat at the Gillamoos folk festival in Lower Bavaria's Abensberg.

According to Söder, the process of choosing a Union candidate in the future will definitely deviate from the 2021 method. "In 2021, we chose the wrong candidate," he pointed out, referring to the previous chancellor candidate Armin Laschet. He maintains a harmonious relationship with the current CDU chairman and top nominee, Friedrich Merz. "We're like an axis, Merz-Söder," he mentioned.

In response to a question about his aspirations beyond his current role, Söder answers, "Question No K, I find being a Minister-President the most delightful role, but I'm open to leading our nation as Union's Chancellor." During a strategy meeting, the topic of choosing a Union candidate arises, and Söder reiterates, "Regarding Question No K, the process for selecting a Union candidate in the future must be different from our approach in 2021."

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