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Southern Germany still faces warnings from the German Weather Service for impending thunderstorms accompanied by heavy downpours.

Severe thunderstorms and heavy rain are forecast to continue in southern Germany, according to the German Weather Service (DWD), posing a persistent flood threat. This could lead to flooded cellars and streets, as well as lightning damage. Deutsche Bahn canceled long-distance services between...

Flooding on the Neckar near Marbach
Flooding on the Neckar near Marbach

Southern Germany still faces warnings from the German Weather Service for impending thunderstorms accompanied by heavy downpours.

The reports from the meteorological department point towards severe weather in northern regions of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. These areas are set to witness extreme rainfall over the next few hours, reaching up to 70 liters per square meter. This phenomenon would gradually grow towards the south and eventually reach the Alps foothills. At present, areas to remain affected by the storms comprise of parts of Thuringia, Saxony, and parts of Saxony-Anhalt. Not much changes are expected for regions located to the south of the Danube. However, these regions too could witness storms.

On Saturday, the floods became more intense, particularly in specific parts of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. For some districts of Bavaria, a state of disaster was declared, and people had to be rescued from their residences using helicopters.

The deluge and consequent flooding resulted in significant disruptions in rail traffic, as reported by the German Railways. Long-distance service between Stuttgart and Augsburg was held back for the day. Additionally, there were interruptions on trains departing from Munich, Karlsruhe, and Stuttgart as well.

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