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Southern Germany readies for potential flooding due to sustained rain.

With persistent rainfall, parts of southern Germany are bracing for flooding and, in some instances, century-level floods. In specific regions of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, over 100 liters of rain fell per square meter in a span of 24 hours, as regional environmental agencies informed on...

Flood warning sign
Flood warning sign

Southern Germany readies for potential flooding due to sustained rain.

Heavy rain on Saturday in Baden-Württemberg has already caused large floods in the east of the state, with more flooding expected due to the rain that's still on its way, particularly in the Oberschwaben area and along the tributaries feeding into the eastern Neckar. The donau and Bodensee tributaries could experience extreme flooding by Saturday afternoon.

In Meckenbeuren, a town in the Bodenseekreis, people living in over 1300 homes and apartments were advised to evacuate their homes overnight due to the threat of flooding.

The Bavarian State Environment Agency reports that water levels in the southern Danube tributaries are rising. A full day's rainfall can amount to as much as 100 liters per square meter, and more is anticipated. As a result, they've issued warnings for potential flooding of cellars and roads in affected areas.

The Günz, Zusam, and Schmutter rivers in Bavaria, as well as the Danube tributaries from Günz to Mindel, have already experienced floods and obstructions. According to their assessment, more flooding and dangers can be expected. There's a possibility of water levels reaching those seen in the 2002 floods.

A large flood is also expected in the Danube river flowing through Baden-Württemberg. Water levels are rising in Neu-Ulm, with the peak of flooding expected during the evening influx of the Iller. The Bavarian State Environment Agency announced that the water levels could go as high as the alert level by the weekend's end; a 100-year flood is not out of the question.

Due to the constant heavy rainfall, the Landkreis Günzburg has declared a disaster area and warned of impending floods on Friday. Campsites along the Günz, Kammel, and Mindel rivers were evacuated on Friday night. The district has also filled an additional 15,000 sandbags. "We take this situation very seriously," said Landrat Hans Reichhart. Residents were also urged to stay away from bodies of water and avoid entering basements.

The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued a warning for partially extreme rain and thunderstorms in the southern German region, predicting heavy showers and strong rain that could move all the way to Berlin, eastern Saxony, and northern Baden-Württemberg on Saturday afternoon. The expected rainfall between Saturday evening and Sunday morning could range from 50 to 100 liters per square meter. Locally, it could be as much as 150 liters. There will be further showers and possibly thundery downpours in northern Bavaria and northern Baden-Württemberg, which are expected to subside around midnight and head towards France.

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