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South experiences rising flood waters; residents get ready.

Near Lake Constance, rivers have experienced significant water level increases following persistent heavy rainfall overnight. Several communities are now issuing alerts, warning of potential hazards by Saturday.

A flashing blue light on an emergency vehicle of the fire department.
A flashing blue light on an emergency vehicle of the fire department.

A strong weather disturbance is approaching. - South experiences rising flood waters; residents get ready.

In numerous communities situated along rivers in South Germany, serious flooding is predicted to occur this Saturday. While major floods haven't taken place during the night, the residents of many areas are preparing for a once-in-a-century deluge. Particularly in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, this weekend seems crucial. Attention primarily centers around the Lake Constance region; around 1,300 inhabitants in Meckenbeuren, Baden-Württemberg, were advised to depart their homes due to the impending risk of flooding along the River Schussen. Other locations warned residents on Friday night to steer clear of basement areas and opt for alternative sleeping locations for a few days if required.

These measures in Meckenbeuren are not considered an evacuation but a suggestion prompted by the impending devastating floods on the River Schussen, as the municipality in Upper Swabia revealed early Saturday morning. No evacuation has been planned yet. "We're still holding out hope that the weather circumstance will improve somewhat, and the water levels won't reach the predicted levels," Mayor Georg Schellinger asserted on Friday night.

Avoid Basements

In nearby Weingarten, residents of several Weingarten areas were urged to stay clear of basements and never, under any circumstances, sleep in a cellar. This advisory was endorsed by the local fire department during the evening. They were also advised to stay with loved ones in areas not jeopardized by rapidly rising water levels.

"Unfortunately, it's still uncertain how swiftly the water levels will ascend in the future. Thus, utmost caution is required!" it was said on their website. It was announced by the Ravensburg district that, hypothetically, individual cities or municipalities may decide to implement evacuation procedures.

Lindau am Bodensee was one such community where streets and underpasses flooded on Friday, forcing the city's bus service to suspend operations. The fire department and Technical Relief Organization were active the entire night. Residents of a multi-family home had to be evacuated due to a possible short circuiting caused by the ingress of water.

128 liters of rain per square meter in 24 hours

In Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, the most severe warning level was issued by the German Weather Service (DWD) for Saturday. The rainfall forecasts accurately anticipated the quantities experienced overnight. In the Swabian town of Sigmarszell, roughly 128 liters of rain per square meter inundated the area within a 24-hour period. Similarly, Ottobeuren in the Unterallgäu district and Wangen in the Ravensburg district witnessed around 108 liters, while Kißlegg and Weiler-Simmerberg both witnessed around 105 liters of rain.

Major Flooding and Emergencies in other regions

The surging water levels of the rivers in the area, like the Danube and its tributaries, also evoke apprehension elsewhere; floods are expected, given that these events transpire approximately every 50–100 years.

Already, the River Zusam in the Augsburg district has surpassed its banks, submerging streets in Fischach, and inundating some cellars. Fortunately, no significant damage or injuries have been reported, according to the local police. The River Zusam attained level three out of four at the Pegel Fleinhausen gauge in the night.

State of Emergency in Günzburg

Situations in neighboring areas like the district of Günzburg are cause for concern as well, with flooding predicted on the Danube and its tributaries. The predicted floods are so rare that they occur statistically every 50–100 years.

The River Zusam has already discharged beyond its banks, inundating streets in Fischach, and has flooded some cellars. While there were no major damages or injuries, the local police informed the public early on Saturday morning. The Zusam attained level three out of four at the Pegel Fleinhausen gauge in the night.

"We take this situation very seriously," District Administrator Hans Reichhart (CSU) stated on Friday night. "We want to utilize the remaining time to our advantage."

Flood Risk in Hesse, Weather Perils in eastern Germany

The erratic precipitation has prompted an increase in water levels of rivers across Germany, with more intensification anticipated. In Hesse, the regional State Office for Nature Conservation, Environmental Protection, and Geology announced the potential for a flood that unfolds only once in twenty years on the Rhine and Neckar rivers.

In eastern Germany, people need to brace themselves for an onslaught of rain, and at times, thunderstorms. Nevertheless, meteorologists predict that Thuringia, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt will experience less severe effects than first thought.

Neighboring Meppen is preparing for a severe weather event, with residents in threatened areas urged to take safety measures. A State of Emergency was declared in Meppen on Friday night, with the district administration aiming to provide better support to cities and municipalities vulnerable to potential floods.

Please note: It's also vital for people to take the necessary safety precautions. Download and activate the NINA warning app on their smartphones to receive immediate notifications if evacuation orders are mandated. Be sure to keep your phone turned on and out of flight mode.

So, let's proceed with caution and prepare accordingly in order to come out of this safely.

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