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South Africa commemorates national hero Nelson Mandela, who died ten years ago

On Tuesday, South Africa commemorated Nelson Mandela, who died ten years ago - with a mixture of longing for the integrity of the national hero and disappointment at current developments in the country. No official events were planned to commemorate the first black president of the former...

Nelson Mandela in
Nelson Mandela in

South Africa commemorates national hero Nelson Mandela, who died ten years ago

"We love what he did, we appreciate the freedom he gave us," said Prosper Nkosi, who lives near Mandela's former home in the Soweto township near Johannesburg. "Ten years later, not much has changed or improved," he added.

Njabulo Mngadi from Johannesburg said that South Africa must rediscover the "spirit of Mandela" in order to push through more reforms. His work must be continued, Mngadi demanded. "Things are still bad here in South Africa."

Mandela had fought for decades against the apartheid system based on racial segregation in South Africa and served 27 years in prison before being released in 1991 and winning the first democratic elections in South Africa in 1994 with his African National Congress (ANC). Since then, the party has formed the government in Johannesburg without interruption.

In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize together with Frederik Willem de Klerk, the last white president of South Africa. De Klerk had campaigned for Mandela's release and the abolition of racial segregation.

As head of state, Mandela had campaigned internationally for a Palestinian state. A group of Palestinians also laid a wreath at the commemoration of Mandela's family at a statue of the national hero. Among them were the former Hamas health minister in the Gaza Strip, Bassem Naim, and the representative of the Islamist Palestinian organization in Iran, Chaled Kadummi.

Mandela's grandson, MP Mandla Mandela, had helped organize a two-day conference on the Middle East conflict before the anniversary of Mandela's death. Naim and Kaddumi had taken part in the meeting. His grandfather had regarded a Palestinian state as the "great moral issue of our time", Mandla Mandela told the public broadcaster SABC. "We are picking up where he left off."

Former chairman of the F.W. de Klerk Foundation, Dave Steward, said Mandela would long be remembered for his services to democracy in South Africa. "Even though we have many problems that would not make Nelson Mandela happy, he would be pleased that we are still a constitutional democracy with functioning courts and a government that abides by the law," Steward told AFP news agency.

"However many years pass, Nelson Mandela's legacy and example will remain important for the present and future of South Africa," he added.

Mandela died on December 5, 2013 after a long illness. He had brought pride and hope to his country after decades of oppression of the black majority by a white minority and was president from 1994 to 1999. But after three decades of ANC leadership, inequality has increased, according to the World Bank. Corruption is widespread and power cuts are commonplace.

Parliamentary elections are scheduled for the first half of 2024, in which the ANC could receive less than 50 percent of the vote for the first time, according to polls. Opposition parties are increasing the pressure on incumbent President Cyril Ramaphosa and his scandal-ridden ANC.

Read also:

  1. Despite his passing ten years ago, Prosper Nkosi near Mandela's former Soweto home lamented that not much has improved in South Africa.
  2. Njabulo Mngadi from Johannesburg emphasized the need for South Africa to rediscover Mandela's spirit to drive further reforms.
  3. Mandela, a deceased national hero, fought against apartheid for decades, spent 27 years in prison, and led the ANC to win South Africa's first democratic elections in 1994.
  4. In 1993, Mandela and De Klerk, the last white president of South Africa, jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts in dismantling racial segregation.
  5. As head of state, Mandela advocated for a Palestinian state and welcomed a delegation of Palestinians, including former Hamas health minister Bassem Naim, at his commemoration.
  6. Mandla Mandela, his grandson, helped organize a Middle East conflict conference ahead of Mandela's death anniversary, highlighting his grandfather's view of the Palestinian issue as a moral imperative.
  7. Dave Steward, former chairman of the F.W. de Klerk Foundation, acknowledged Mandela's enduring impact on South Africa's democracy, emphasizing his commitment to constitutional rule and justice.
  8. Even after ten years, Mandela's legacy continues to inspire and remain crucial to South Africa's present and future, Steward noted.
  9. Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, commemorated Mandela's life and influence, underscoring his dedication to championing democracy and human rights worldwide.




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