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Son sentenced to prison for tampering with gas pipe in family home.

In Lower Saxony, a 32-year-old man has been legally bound to serve a prison term of eight and a half years for his attempted murder conviction, following his manipulation of a gas pipe in his parents' home. This ruling, announced by the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe on Monday,...

Statue of Justice
Statue of Justice

Son sentenced to prison for tampering with gas pipe in family home.

In a shocking case, it was revealed in court that a 32-year-old individual had intended to eliminate his parents for financial reasons. His horrific plan was to demolish their home in the Hollern-Twielenfleth community, making him the sole heir to their property upon their demise.

To execute this heinous scheme, he had subtly tampered with the gas line in the basement of his parents' house in September 2022, causing a gas leak. He had crafted an ignition device and set it up with a timer, intending to delay the gas-air mixture and ultimately cause an explosion. To prevent gas fumes from escaping into the upper living spaces and alerting anyone, he had even taken the measure of sealing the chimney with a damp cloth.

Regrettably, the detonation never took place: at the designated time, as per the ruling, there was no explosive gas-air mixture present near the ignition device. The trial for this heinous act commenced in August 2023, and the verdict was handed down in December.

The Regional Court convicted the individual not only of attempted double homicide but also of attempted manslaughter by explosives potentially leading to death. The accused appealed to the Federal Court of Justice to re-evaluate the verdict. However, they found no grounds to overturn the decision from Stade, making it legally binding.

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