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Some rain and clouds in Thuringia

The weather in Thuringia will be overcast and somewhat wet in the coming days. Thursday started with cloudy skies, with the possibility of localized sleet or drizzle, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). The clouds will decrease as the day progresses. Maximum temperatures will be...

Raindrops collect on a windshield.
Raindrops collect on a windshield.

Weather forecast - Some rain and clouds in Thuringia

The weather in Thuringia will be overcast and somewhat wet in the coming days. Thursday started with cloudy skies, with the possibility of localized sleet or drizzle, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). The clouds will decrease as the day progresses. Maximum temperatures will be between one and four degrees, in the mountains between minus three and plus one degree.

Friday night will begin with low cloud cover. Towards the end of the night, clouds will move in from the west. There will be no precipitation, with low temperatures of minus two to minus six degrees. Friday will be overcast. Rain or sleet is possible from the morning onwards, and it may snow at higher altitudes. Maximum temperatures will be between zero and two degrees, in the mountains between minus four and zero degrees.

Saturday night will also be overcast. There may be rain or sleet, which will subside during the night. Temperatures will drop to minus one to minus three degrees. The sky will also be cloudy on Saturday. It will remain dry. Maximum temperatures will be between five and eight degrees, in the mountains between two and four degrees.

Weather forecast

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