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Soldiers from Israel secure an injured Palestinian to a military vehicle.

Military personnel in Israel have fastened a wounded Palestinian individual to the bonnet of a military vehicle in the West Bank. This suspect was apprehended during a "counter-terrorism operation" close to Jenin and was held in violation of orders and regulations, as stated by the Israeli army...

Israeli military vehicles in Jenin
Israeli military vehicles in Jenin

Soldiers from Israel secure an injured Palestinian to a military vehicle.

Video clips of the previous weekend's event have been distributed online, showing a dude strapped across a Military Jeep's hood as it drives through a tight alley. The Israeli military asserted that the soldiers' actions depicted in the video went against their military's values (IDF). During this operation, there were exchanges of gunfire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian fighters.

The man's claims remained uncertain. He was later handed over to the Palestinian Red Crescent, as per the Israeli military. Palestinian medical professionals identified him as Mujahid Raed Abbadi, a 24-year-old resident of the Jenin refugee camp. He received treatment at the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, as hospital staff confirmed.

At the hospital, Abbadi claimed he was shot in the hand and leg while leaving his uncle's house in the city of Burkin in the western Jenin. He alleged that he lay down behind an Israeli military vehicle for over two hours without any help from rescue or medical services.

Israeli soldiers reportedly noticed him, kicked him, punched him in the face, and tied him to the Jeep's hood, according to Abbadi. A treating doctor said the 24-year-old suffered severe burns on his back from the Jeep's hot hood.

Jenin, known as a stronghold for militant Palestinian groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, often experiences raids by Israeli security forces. Such operations are common in the city and the refugee camp named after it.

Since the start of the war against the radical Islamic Hamas in the Gaza Strip on October 7 of the previous year, the level of violence in the Israeli-occupied West Bank has increased. According to Palestinian data, at least 553 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers or extremist settlers in the West Bank. At least 14 Israelis have been killed by radical Palestinian attackers, as per Israeli reports.

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