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Solar installation project for a building ministry halted

Now, the ex-Chief Finance Directorate houses the Ministry of Construction. Originally, there was a plan to put a solar installation on the 1930s structure, but the roof couldn't support it.

The Ministry of Construction of North Rhine-Westphalia.
The Ministry of Construction of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Shift to Renewable Energy Sources - Solar installation project for a building ministry halted

Interestingly, the Ministry of Construction is facing a challenge: The plans for setting up a solar power system on the rooftop of a protected house in Düsseldorf's Jürgensplatz have been stalled. As per the state-controlled building and real estate company (BLB), the rooftop needed reinforcing first. Previously, "Rheinische Post" had brought this matter to attention.

"For constructing a photovoltaic system on the rooftop of North Rhine-Westphalia's Ministry of Home Affairs, Communities, Construction, and Digitalization, additional measures for static reinforcement would have been essential along with the installation of the system," a BLB spokesperson shared. The planning for the installation is therefore, "currently on a pause."

Four weeks ago, Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) turned on the solar power system on the rooftop of the State Chancellery symbolically. As per BLB, there are some other installations in planning or under construction: Two more photovoltaic systems will be set up at the Ministry of Culture and Science, in addition to an existing one, which should be over by the end of the year.

The Family Ministry could also receive a solar system if it relocates to Haroldstraße, where the office building is currently undergoing renovations. "On several other properties owned by the state, such as courts, police stations, or financial authorities, the potential for expansion on existing buildings will be exploited systematically to contribute significantly to climate protection goals," a BLB spokesperson said.

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