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Söder urges for immediate Bundestag elections to take place.

The CSU perceives the European election outcome as a rebuke to the German administration. Söder, the party's head, sets a specific demand while referencing France.

Manfred Weber, CSU lead candidate for the European elections, takes part in the final rally of the...
Manfred Weber, CSU lead candidate for the European elections, takes part in the final rally of the CDU and CSU for the European elections in the Löwenbräukeller.

Polls - Söder urges for immediate Bundestag elections to take place.

Following the traffic light coalition's mishap in the European election, CSU leader Markus Söder is suggesting a possible early general election, similar to the one in France.

"This government is essentially done. It should be like in France: There were calls for new elections, and there will be new elections through Macron," Söder said on Monday morning to broadcaster n-tv. Germany should join in as well: "We need a fresh start for our nation. The traffic light doesn't have a mandate anymore, doesn't have the people's trust. That's why there should be elections as soon as feasible."

French President Emmanuel Macron declared on Sunday that he would dismantle the National Assembly. Elections in two rounds are planned for June 30 and July 7, before the commencement of the Olympic Games in Paris.

Landeswahlleiter provided information on the European election outcomes on the vote tally page during election night.

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