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Söder: Traffic light policy at federal level is damaging the economy in Bavaria

According to Minister President Markus Söder, the federal government's policies are damaging the economy in Bavaria. "If Bavaria were alone, I wouldn't worry about the economy. But we are in Germany and are suffering from the poor conditions of our nation as a business location," said the CSU...

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder speaks in the Bavarian state parliament.
Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder speaks in the Bavarian state parliament.

Government statement - Söder: Traffic light policy at federal level is damaging the economy in Bavaria

According to Minister President Markus Söder, the federal government's policies are damaging the economy in Bavaria. "If Bavaria were alone, I wouldn't worry about the economy. But we are in Germany and are suffering from the poor conditions of our nation as a business location," said the CSU politician on Tuesday in his first government statement of the new legislative period in the state parliament. The problems were home-made and caused by the traffic light system. "While other countries are experiencing strong economic growth despite the crisis, Germany is clearly falling behind. We need a different economic policy."

The belief that only government debt can strengthen the economy is a fallacy, said Söder. Germany is not a "country of state dirigisme or state capitalism, but of innovative SMEs". There is less need for over-subsidized individual projects such as chip factories, but rather support across the board: lower taxes, lower energy prices, less bureaucracy and a sensible welfare state. "That works."

The traffic light government in the federal government is going in exactly the opposite direction and is ensuring higher taxes, higher energy prices and an escalating citizens' income. "The whole economy is paralyzing, from corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises," said Söder. "State subsidies and faith in the state alone won't help. We reject this new form of green socialism."

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