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Söder: The traffic light is reeling

CSU leader Markus Söder has sharply criticized the federal government for postponing the budget decision for 2024. "This is a real and mental descent that is taking place," said Söder on Friday after a CSU executive meeting in Munich. "I believe that there is hardly any faith and trust left in...

Markus Söder (CSU), Prime Minister of Bavaria.
Markus Söder (CSU), Prime Minister of Bavaria.

Parties - Söder: The traffic light is reeling

CSU leader Markus Söder has sharply criticized the federal government for postponing the budget resolution for 2024. "This is a real and mental descent that is taking place," said Söder on Friday after a CSU executive meeting in Munich. "I believe that there is hardly any faith and trust left in the traffic lights - they are the last remnants." There is still a kind of hope of making ends meet.

"Germany is slipping a little deeper into the crisis," said the Bavarian Minister President. "The traffic light government is actually floundering and has now failed to present the draft budget for 24 that was actually promised before Christmas." Germany, once the financial leader in Europe, is increasingly becoming the "dirty child of finance", complained Söder. If they don't manage to do so before then, the traffic lights will have to make a proposal as soon as possible at the beginning of January after the holidays.

The CDU/CSU is remaining firm on the debt brake - because of Germany, but also because of Europe, Söder emphasized. "Because we are very concerned that if Germany abandons its basic course, its basic line of financial solidity, then the whole of Europe will wobble and we could run into another serious and deep euro crisis." And the 17 billion euros that need to be saved should "actually be affordable" given the total volume of the federal budget.

CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt said at the board meeting, according to participants: "The Chancellor has lost the lead. People are experiencing that we are facing an enormous number of internal and external challenges, but Germany has no functioning political leadership." The traffic light never had a common project, but had great potential for destruction. "It's time for Olaf Scholz to pull the ripcord. The traffic light is finished," said the CSU politician.

Read also:

  1. The Budget resolution for 2024 was postponed by the federal government, leading to strong criticism from CSU leader Markus Söder in Munich.
  2. During the Christmas season, the traffic light government had promised to present the draft budget for 2024, but they ultimately failed to do so.
  3. Markus Söder expressed his concerns about Germany's financial stability, likening it to a sinking flight and warning that Europe could face another serious crisis if Germany abandons its financial solidity.
  4. CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt stated during the executive meeting that the Chancellor has lost control, and the traffic light coalition is facing an enormous number of internal and external challenges with no functioning political leadership.
  5. At the board meeting, Dobrindt suggested that Chancellor Olaf Scholz should take immediate action and "pull the ripcord" to save the coalition, as it has become synonymous with destruction rather than progress.
  6. The CDU/CSU remains committed to the debt brake, emphasizing the need to preserve financial stability not only for Germany but also for the entire European Union.




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