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Söder states that the traffic light government has effectively been removed.

The CSU considers the outcome of the European elections as a snub towards the federal administration. Nonetheless, this group is mostly worried about a different political party.

Members of the CSU and CDU with Manfred Weber, top candidate of the CSU for the European elections,...
Members of the CSU and CDU with Manfred Weber, top candidate of the CSU for the European elections, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission and EU and EPP top candidate, Markus Söder, Chairman of the CSU and Minister President of Bavaria, and Friedrich Merz, Federal Chairman of the CDU, take part in the final rally of the CDU and CSU for the European elections in the Löwenbräukeller.

Upcoming European Votes - Söder states that the traffic light government has effectively been removed.

Markus Söder, the leader of the Bavarian CSU, sees the European election results as a clear rejection of the current federal government. He stated this during an event in Munich on Sunday evening. The coalition of the SPD, Greens, and FDP lost nearly a quarter of their voters. According to Söder, the lifespan of this government coalition is at most a year. Once this "ghost" is over, the Union party can build on this outcome for the upcoming federal elections.

While expressing his disappointment, Söder noted that the national result for the AfD party, despite its scandals, was too high. "This is a difficult hurdle to overcome," he said.

The CSU performed well overall, according to Söder, which will also benefit the Union nationally. His statement implies that the traffic light's plan to exclude the CSU from the Bundestag failed. The CSU was projected nationally at around six percent, well above the hurdle required for a Bundestag seat.

On the outcome of the Free Voters, Söder commented that the party's national and European dreams had been shattered and were now over. He suggested the Free Voters should focus more on local and regional politics instead.

The state election leader provided updates on the European election results on the results page during the night.

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