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Söder shows understanding for Israel's fight against Hamas

In the south of Israel, CSU leader Söder is confronted with the consequences of Hamas terror during his tour of a kibbutz. Explosions can be heard from the Gaza Strip.

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder stands in front of a destroyed house in Kibbutz Nir Oz.
Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder stands in front of a destroyed house in Kibbutz Nir Oz.

Conflicts - Söder shows understanding for Israel's fight against Hamas

After visiting a destroyed kibbutz near the Gaza Strip, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder has demonstratively backed the fight against the Islamist Hamas. "What is happening here leaves long-lasting traces for individuals, but I also believe collectively for a people," said the CSU leader on Thursday after his tour of the Nir Oz settlement in southern Israel, which was led by the Israeli military. "It is now important to show that we stand by Israel's side, that we stand by Jewish life, that we understand."

Söder was deeply shocked and moved and called the visit "extremely depressing". He therefore had great understanding for Israel exercising its right to self-defense and punishing this terrorism. And if there are some discussions as to whether everything is really so bad, if some politicians from other countries say that this is not terrorism: "Here is proof of what brutal terrorism allows to take place and what it constitutes," said Söder. "And that's why this solidarity is so incredibly important."

International criticism of Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip has been voiced in recent days. The United Nations called for a ceasefire. The background to this is the catastrophic humanitarian and medical care for the people in the Gaza Strip, according to observers.

Söder announced an even stronger fight against anti-Semitism and an even stronger promise to protect Jewish lives. "This motivates us even more, including me personally, not only to renew this promise of protection, but also to deepen it, to take action against anti-Semitism, to secure the freedom of Jewish life," he said. The idea of a kibbutz is peace, community, balance. And for such a kibbutz to then be destroyed, to be subjected to such violence that people who had rendered outstanding services to reconciliation with Palestinians were killed by Hamas, "is simply so shabby and disgraceful". That is why not only good words are needed, but also action.

In the morning, Söder had initially concluded an agreement with the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem during his trip to Israel. A meeting with Israeli President Izchak Herzog in Tel Aviv was then planned for late afternoon.

The Gaza war was triggered by the worst massacre in Israel's history, carried out by terrorists from Hamas and other groups on October 7 in Israel near the border with the Gaza Strip. More than 1200 people were killed in the unprecedented attacks. Israel responded with massive air strikes and, since the end of October, a ground offensive in the area.

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