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Söder puts CSU headquarters in standby mode for early federal election

CSU leader Markus Söder has put his party's staff in readiness mode in the event of the failure of the traffic light coalition and a possible early general election. "We are already preparing for possible new elections," said Söder on Friday following an executive meeting of his party in...

Markus Sö
Markus Sö

Söder puts CSU headquarters in standby mode for early federal election

Söder said that usually after the Bavarian state elections in October, some capacities at the party headquarters are reduced and scaled back. This is now different, not only because of the upcoming European elections in June. The CSU remains "ready for action and campaigning at all times".

"We would be ready and could start immediately," said Söder. He does not believe "that things will go on like this with this government for much longer". "The traffic light is staggering", said Söder. It was "like a battered boxer". The SPD party conference, which began on Friday, was also "more of a mourning event than an offer of hope".

The CSU leader called for changes to the citizen's income because the coalition's plans to increase it so far would provide completely the wrong incentives. With regard to energy policy, he also called for the construction of new, modern nuclear power plants to be initiated. In terms of foreign policy, he had the impression that Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had missed the turning point. Investments in the defense budget are now urgently needed.

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