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Söder proposes increased overhead power lines in the future.

The Prime Minister's government statement emphasizes efficiency, speed, and innovation. Bavarian Minister-President Markus Söder now provides further details.

Markus Söder (CSU), Minister President of Bavaria, takes part in a plenary session.
Markus Söder (CSU), Minister President of Bavaria, takes part in a plenary session.

The Leading Politician - Söder proposes increased overhead power lines in the future.

Markus Söder, Bavaria's Minister President, is spearheading a change in the construction of new power lines. Although existing high-voltage power lines that are currently being planned should still be buried underground, his emphasis for new high-voltage direct current lines is "significantly more above ground than underground." Söder shared this during a statement in Munich's parliament on Thursday. He likened his approach as "above ground where possible, underground where necessary." This will speed up and lower the costs of constructing new lines. By doing so, he's moving away from his predecessor Horst Seehofer's central tenet of resisting new power lines in some places through forcing underground cabling.

Regarding energy policy, Söder revealed a further push for Bavaria's 85 water power plants to be returned to the state's control from 2030. To achieve this, the Free State will use reversion rights in existing contracts. For the approval of wind parks, responsibility will shift to the district governments. Moreover, to facilitate a prompt connection of Bavaria to hydrogen networks from the north and south, the Free State plans to join Ferngas GmbH. Söder noted concisely, "The principle is: Home networks in home ownership."

Read also:

Markus Söder, the Minister President of Bavaria's CSU party, advocated for more overhead power lines in Munich's Parliament, departing from his predecessor Horst Seehofer's stance. This proposal comes as Bavaria plans to regain control of its 85 water power plants from 2030, a move supported by Söder. Furthermore, Söder aimed to expedite Bavaria's connection to hydrogen networks from the north and south by joining Ferngas GmbH.



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