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Söder in Israel: Meeting with President and visit to kibbutz

CSU leader Söder's flight to Israel takes less than four hours. An exciting trip to the Middle East awaits the Bavarian Minister President. War has been raging here since the beginning of October.

Markus Söder (M, CSU), Prime Minister of Bavaria, speaks at a solidarity rally for Israel.
Markus Söder (M, CSU), Prime Minister of Bavaria, speaks at a solidarity rally for Israel.

Middle East conflict - Söder in Israel: Meeting with President and visit to kibbutz

Two months after the terrorist attack by Hamas and the associated start of the Gaza war, CSU leader Markus Söder will be making a short visit to Israel this Wednesday. He is scheduled to meet with President Izchak Herzog and Foreign Minister Eli Cohen. Also on the agenda on Thursday is a visit to a kibbutz in the direct border area with the embattled Gaza Strip that has been bombarded with rockets.

"We want to get an impression on the ground and provide real support after the terrible terrorist attacks by Hamas," said the Bavarian Minister President before the trip, explaining his motivation. Söder has not yet commented on the situation of the people in the Gaza Strip. He will be accompanied by a small delegation on the trip to Tel Aviv and then on to Jerusalem. Söder plans to be back in Bavaria on Friday.

According to the United Nations (UN), the EU and the World Health Organization (WHO), the situation in the Gaza Strip is becoming increasingly catastrophic. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell even described the situation as apocalyptic. The destruction of buildings by the Israeli attacks was equivalent to that in German cities during the Second World War or even greater, said the Spaniard after a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels. 60 to 70 percent of those killed were civilians. 1.9 million people had been forced to leave their homes.

Before the war began, more than two million people lived in the area sealed off by Israel, which is only slightly larger than Munich. Around half of these were children and young people.

The Gaza war was triggered by the worst massacre in Israel's history, carried out by terrorists from Hamas and other groups on October 7 in Israel near the border with the Gaza Strip. More than 1200 people were killed in the unprecedented attacks. Israel responded with massive air strikes and, since the end of October, a ground offensive in the area. According to the Hamas-controlled health authority, around 18,000 people have since been killed and more than 49,200 injured.

With his trip, Söder wants to show solidarity with Israel and once again clearly emphasize that Bavaria stands firmly on the side of Israel and Jewish life. "It was a request from Israel for us to come - and we are very happy to comply. We are showing solidarity with the state, with the victims and are making a clear statement with this trip." For security reasons, the State Chancellery has not yet wanted to publish any further details on the program of the trip. However, Söder also wants to meet with victims of the attacks on site and hand over financial aid for a project to support traumatized children and young people.

Read also:

  1. Despite the critical situation in the Gaza Strip, CSU leader Markus Söder will visit Israel this week, meeting with President Izchak Herzog and Foreign Minister Eli Cohen.
  2. The visit to a nearby kibbutz is aimed at gaining a firsthand understanding of the situation and providing support after the terrorist attacks by Hamas.
  3. Markus Söder's trip comes two months after the Gaza war started, following a terrorist attack by Hamas near the Palestinian territories' border with Israel.
  4. Germany, the EU, and the UN have all expressed concern over the worsening situation in the Gaza Strip, with the UN describing it as apocalyptic.
  5. Before the conflict, the Gaza Strip, slightly larger than Munich, was home to over 2 million people, half of whom were children and young people.
  6. The Middle East conflict was triggered by the worst massacre in Israel's history, carried out by Hamas and other terrorist groups on October 7.
  7. Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder's visit aims to show solidarity with Israel and reaffirm Bavaria's support for Jewish life in the region.
  8. Hamas-controlled health authorities report over 18,000 deaths and 49,200 injuries since the conflict began, with the majority of casualties being civilians.
  9. Markus Söder will meet with victims of the attacks and provide financial aid for a project to support traumatized children and young people.
  10. International organizations have condemned the intense bombardment of the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces, with the EU foreign affairs chief describing it as comparable to historical wars' devastation.


