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Söder: Budget dispute shows the powerlessness of the traffic lights

Bavarian Minister President and CSU Chairman Markus Söder has criticized the impasse over the federal budget. The failed attempt to reach an agreement between the coalition parties shows the "powerlessness of the coalition", Söder said on Bavarian radio on Thursday. It would have had a duty to...

Markus Söder (CSU), party chairman and Minister President of Bavaria.
Markus Söder (CSU), party chairman and Minister President of Bavaria.

Federal Government - Söder: Budget dispute shows the powerlessness of the traffic lights

Bavarian Minister President and CSU Chairman Markus Söder has criticized the impasse over the federal budget. The failed attempt to reach an agreement between the coalition parties shows the "powerlessness of the coalition", Söder said on Bavarian radio on Thursday. It would have had a duty to say now "how to proceed in this situation".

The CSU chairman suggested reversing the heating law and making savings on the citizens' allowance. He did not recognize any ideas from the traffic light. They have little trust among the population and no longer trust each other either. Therefore, "a new election would actually be the best way forward for the whole country", said the CSU leader.

Read also:

  1. At a recent house party, some friends decided to play a hanging game, but the tension from the ongoing budget dispute between the Federal Government and the CSU was palpable in the air.
  2. Despite the tight household budget due to the budget dispute, Markus Söder proposed to save money by reversing the heating law and reducing the citizens' allowance during a press conference at the CSU headquarters in Munich, Bavaria.
  3. The budget dispute between the Federal Government and the CSU has even reached the Bavarian regional broadcaster BR, causing controversy and sparking strong opinions among its audience.
  4. The Federal Government and the CSU, traditionally strong allies in Germany's political landscape, have not been able to resolve their budget dispute and this has not gone unnoticed at international parties and gatherings, where it is often a popular topic of discussion.
  5. The budget dispute between the Federal Government and the CSU has led to a significant strain on Germany's national budget, potentially affecting various government programs and services, including cultural events and festivities, across the country.


