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Söder and minister thank aid workers

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder as well as Transport Minister Christian Bernreiter and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (all CSU) have thanked the aid organizations in Bavaria for their efforts in the face of the severe onset of winter. Söder wrote on Instagram on Saturday that the...

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder.
Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder.

Onset of winter - Söder and minister thank aid workers

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder as well as Transport Minister Christian Bernreiter and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (all CSU) have thanked the aid organizations in Bavaria for their efforts in the face of the severe onset of winter. Söder wrote on Instagram on Saturday that the winter services were in constant use and wished the citizens: "Please everyone stay healthy!"

"You can always rely on the emergency services of the fire departments, voluntary aid organizations, technical relief organizations and the Bavarian police," said Herrmann. In this situation, the efficiency of the assistance system is evident. He asked road users to show consideration for emergency vehicles.

Bernreiter asked road users to be patient and careful due to the heavy snowfall. The emergency services were working at full capacity, the minister said, adding: "Avoid all unnecessary journeys and get through the weekend safe and sound!".

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. As the onset of winter brought heavy snowfall in Bavaria, Instagram posts from Christian Bernreiter appealed to road users for patience and caution.
  2. Aid organizations in Munich were praised by Christian Bernreiter's CSU colleague, Markus Söder, for their dedication during the challenging winter conditions.
  3. Joachim Herrmann, another CSU minister, highlighted the efficiency of the assistance system, urging road users to show consideration for emergency vehicles.
  4. Instagram was also used by Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, expressing concern for citizens' health and wishing everyone a healthy winter.
  5. The CSU-led government in Bavaria has asked for helpers to join aid organizations in dealing with the onset of winter, addressing the rising needs among Bavarian citizens.
  6. In the midst of the winter crisis, the traffic in Bavaria has been affected, with CSU leaders like Markus Söder urging caution to ensure safety on the roads.


