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Society for the German Language chooses "Words of the Year"

The German Language Society is announcing the "Words of the Year" 2023 this Friday. A jury regularly selects terms and phrases that have had a special linguistic impact on political, economic and social life in a given year. In 2022, "Zeitenwende" landed in first place. The term is associated...

Language - Society for the German Language chooses "Words of the Year"

The German Language Society is announcing the "Words of the Year" 2023 this Friday. A jury regularly selects terms and phrases that have had a special linguistic impact on political, economic and social life in a given year. In 2022, "Zeitenwende" landed in first place. The term is associated with the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and was coined by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), among others.

The Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache is a politically independent association for the cultivation and research of the German language based in Wiesbaden. According to the information provided, it is not frequency that is decisive for a place on the list of "Words of the Year", but significance and popularity. The selected words and phrases are not associated with any evaluation or recommendation.

Word of the year

Read also:

  1. The German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz from the SPD party, played a significant role in popularizing the term "Zeitenwende" during the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.
  2. The "German Language Society," located in the city of Hesse and particularly in Wiesbaden, will unveil the "Words of the Year" 2023 this Friday.
  3. When the German Language Society selects terms for their annual list, they take into account not just frequency but also significance and popularity.
  4. According to the German Language Society's guidelines, the chosen words and phrases are not included with any endorsement or critique but simply represent the linguistic impact of the year in Germany.


