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So far, slightly less deaths from bathing than last year

There have been eight drowning deaths in the capital so far this year. This is two fewer than the previous year. One particular body of water stood out.

Fewer people died in Berlin's lakes compared to the previous period (archive photo).
Fewer people died in Berlin's lakes compared to the previous period (archive photo).

- So far, slightly less deaths from bathing than last year

Eight people have drowned in Berlin's waters so far this year. This is two fewer than the same period last year, according to the German Lifesaving Association (DLRG).

Four of these fatal incidents occurred in rivers, making the Spree, Havel, and others the most dangerous waters this year. Last year, more people drowned in lakes.

Seven of the eight drowning victims between January and July were men. Four were under 35, one was between 76 and 80 years old, and three ages were not specified. Six people drowned in the warm months of May, June, and July, while two died in February and March.

In the entire year of 2023, 21 people drowned while swimming or bathing in Berlin.

It's crucial to have emergency contact information readily available during water activities due to the rising number of drowning incidents. The Berlin Water Safety Council has urged the public to be more vigilant during emergencies near Berlin's waters.

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