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The police lettering on an emergency vehicle.
The police lettering on an emergency vehicle.

Crime - Smuggled cigarettes found after pursuit

The customs authorities stopped a suspected cigarette smuggler during a pursuit on Autobahn 2 near Magdeburg. Approximately 58,000 cigarettes were found in his car, according to the Main Customs Office Magdeburg, which announced this on Friday. The 41-year-old driver gave gas when the customs officers wanted to control him. He tried to escape at a speed of over 200 tempos. He was finally stopped shortly before the exit Bornstedt. The incident occurred according to customs already on Monday.

  1. Despite attempting to evade capture by speeding over 200 kilometers per hour in Saxony-Anhalt, the cigarette smuggler was eventually apprehended on Autobahn 2 near Magdeburg.
  2. The car used in the cigarette smuggling pursuit was filled with approximately 58,000 contraband cigarettes, which were discovered by the Main Customs Office Magdeburg.
  3. The 41-year-old suspect, who had been pursued for cigarette smuggling on Autobahn 2 near Magdeburg in Saxony-Anhalt, attempted to flee when customs officers tried to inspect his vehicle.

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