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Smooth traffic in snow and road maintenance strike

It is frosty, it has snowed and the road maintenance companies are on warning strike. Nevertheless, traffic in the north is moving.

Road maintenance workers set up barges to cordon off the Jann-Berghaus bridge.
Road maintenance workers set up barges to cordon off the Jann-Berghaus bridge.

Restrictions - Smooth traffic in snow and road maintenance strike

A warning strike by employees of the state road construction and transport company in Schleswig-Holstein led to restrictions in winter road services on Thursday. Nevertheless, traffic ran largely normally in winter conditions.

The warning strike at the 22 road maintenance depots began as planned at midnight, said a Verdi spokesperson on Thursday. Around 600 strikers had gathered in Husum in the morning, including employees of the State Agency for Coastal Protection, National Park and Marine Conservation.

The police reported few problems. Drivers had meanwhile adapted to the weather conditions. However, six people were injured, four of them seriously, in a traffic accident near Grömitz in the Ostholstein district on Wednesday evening.

According to the police, a 32-year-old driver drove his car into oncoming traffic on a right-hand bend and collided with the car of a 39-year-old woman. Four people in the 32-year-old's car were seriously injured, including a three-year-old child. A fifth passenger and the 39-year-old driver of the oncoming car suffered minor injuries. The traffic situation in Hamburg also remained relatively calm, the police reported.

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the lowest temperature during the night was measured in Hattstedt (North Friesland) at minus 13.9 degrees. The coldest November night in Schleswig-Holstein was in 1965, when the temperature fell to minus 18.3 degrees in Grambek in the district of Herzogtum Lauenburg on November 23. Directly above the ground at a height of five centimetres, the temperature dropped to minus 19 degrees in Ostenfeld (Rendsburg) on Thursday night. This is the third coldest value since records began. According to the DWD forecast, the wintry weather is set to continue. Up to five centimetres of fresh snow could fall in the north on Thursday, with frost and icy conditions also expected over the weekend.

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. Despite the ongoing warning strike by road maintenance workers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein, authorities urged motorists to exercise caution due to the inclement weather conditions.
  2. The strike, which affected various coastal protection facilities in Husum, led to some restriction in traffic along the coastal route, causing minor delays in road construction projects.
  3. The Police in Hamburg reported no major incidents during the warning strike, but urged drivers to be vigilant due to the potential for accidents resulting from the strike's impact on road maintenance services.
  4. The State Enterprise for Coastal Protection and National Park Conservation in Schleswig-Holstein faced challenges in carrying out their duties, leading to concerns about ensuring full coastal protection in stormy weather conditions.
  5. The disruptions caused by the strike and the weather added to the challenges facing the police in managing traffic and ensuring the safety of motorists on the icy roads.
  6. The weather service forecasted further cold temperatures and the possibility of snowfall in the coming days, warning motorists to prepare for hazardous driving conditions and potential traffic delays due to ongoing road maintenance restrictions.
  7. The police reminded drivers in Schleswig-Holstein to be aware of possible striking workers and their impact on highway and road maintenance operations, urging drivers to be patient and share the road safely.
  8. The warning strike led to a flurry of negotiations between labor unions and the state enterprise, with the potential for an agreement arriving soon that would bring an end to the work stoppage and help restore normal road maintenance services.




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