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Smartphone instead of calls: warning of voice interference

Language deficits in children are increasing: Waus instead of Maus and Eddy instead of Teddy are typical mistakes. A health insurance company draws attention to the alarming development in the smartphone age. Chatting and liking are no substitute for direct communication.

Two pupils walk to their elementary school in the Hanover region early in the morning.
Two pupils walk to their elementary school in the Hanover region early in the morning.

Health insurance - Smartphone instead of calls: warning of voice interference

Missing words, incorrect sentence structure and generally less enjoyment of conversation: language development disorders in children are on the increase. The number of adolescents with deficits has risen significantly in recent years, according to the KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse in Hanover, citing data from its policyholders. According to the KKH data, one in 18 children nationwide was diagnosed with a speech and language disorder in 2012, rising to almost one in 12 in 2022. The pandemic has also played a major role in this.

"The house is colorful", Eddy instead of Teddy - many children struggle to find words. This includes omitting or swapping sounds as well as incorrect sentence structure, a vocabulary that is not age-appropriate, stuttering, lisping or even falling silent. More and more children are undergoing speech therapy. The proportion of affected KKH policyholders between the ages of 6 and 18 rose by around 59% from 2012 to 2022. Nationwide, almost nine percent of 6 to 18-year-olds are affected - almost one in ten boys and around one in 15 girls. The highest rate of increase in a ten-year comparison is among 15 to 18-year-olds at almost 144 percent (girls up 160 percent, boys up 135 percent).

"Language and speech are the cornerstones of a child's development," says Vijitha Sanjivkumar from the KKH's medical competence team. "Because language skills are one of the keys to communicating needs, thoughts and feelings, understanding the world, understanding it and helping to shape it socially." The causes of the deficits include undetected hearing disorders, genetic predisposition and anatomical reasons such as a malformed jaw as well as problems in the family or strokes of fate.

Another reason: "In many families, there is too little communication with the offspring, even at mealtimes," emphasizes Sanjivkumar. As a result, there is a lack of stimuli that promote healthy language development. In many cases, this is due to intensive use of smartphones, PCs and other digital media. She advises parents to take every opportunity to stimulate development: "Depending on the age, read stories to your child, encourage speech through hand puppets or role-playing games, sing together, accompany your child when consuming media and talk about shared experiences, thoughts and feelings. Be patient and listen carefully whenever your child wants to communicate."

The pandemic has acted as an accelerant, according to the evaluation. When daycare centers and schools were closed and there was a lack of direct contact with peers, educators and teachers, the language development of many adolescents stalled.

Even though people develop at different rates and not every abnormality hides a profound disorder, parents should seek advice from their pediatrician at an early stage. "Unrecognized, untreated language deficits can lead to stress, frustration and feelings of inferiority, to self-isolation or exclusion by peers with far-reaching consequences for school and professional careers," explains Sanjivkumar.

Health insurance app for language support

Read also:

  1. In Lower Saxony, particularly in Hanover, the KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse has noticed a significant increase in children diagnosed with speech and language disorders.
  2. The prolonged use of smartphones and other digital media in many families can contribute to a lack of stimuli that promote healthy language development in children.
  3. The city of Hanover, located in Lower Saxony, Germany, is known for its institution KKH, which has reported a notable rise in children with speech and language development issues.
  4. The pandemic has exacerbated language development issues among adolescents, particularly those aged 15 to 18, due to a lack of direct contact with peers and educators.
  5. Parents in Germany, including those in Lower Saxony, should seek advice from their pediatrician if they notice signs of language deficits in their children, as untreated issues can result in stress, frustration, and affect future academic and professional prospects.


