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Smaller kindergarten groups: draft bill in the cabinet

A new daycare law and the financial turmoil of the traffic lights in Berlin are occupying the state cabinet in Schwerin.

A traffic sign saying "Kindergarten" is in front of a daycare
A traffic sign saying "Kindergarten" is in front of a daycare

Smaller kindergarten groups: draft bill in the cabinet

The state cabinet wants to introduce smaller kindergarten groups today (11.00 a.m.). One nursery teacher will be responsible for 14 children aged three to six instead of 15. This is to apply from September 2024 and the Child Day Care Act is to be amended to achieve this.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern regularly receives poor marks in nationwide comparisons of early childhood education because, in the opinion of scientists, the daycare groups are too large. According to the Bertelsmann Foundation, which regularly examines the issue, one specialist should be responsible for a maximum of eight children aged three to six.

Another topic of the cabinet meeting is the financial turbulence of the traffic light government in Berlin. Finance Minister Heiko Geue (SPD) is to calculate the effects on the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern since the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court almost two weeks ago. The ministers are now awaiting his results.

In the proposed changes to the Child Day Care Act, the state cabinet aims to transform household-sized kindergarten groups, with one teacher responsible for 14 children, starting from September 2024. To ensure the well-being of younger children, it's suggested that kindergartens should follow expert advice, such as limiting groups to eight children aged three to six, as advocated by organizations like the Bertelsmann Foundation.




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