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Small parties can join the European Parliament due to the absence of a hindrance stipulation.

Numerous minor German political parties may be present in the European Parliament following the Sunday election results. Apart from the pro-European Volt party, which is predicted to have secured 2.5-3.0% of the votes, the Free Voters, Animal Protection Party, Family Party, Ecological...

Volt election advertising in Berlin
Volt election advertising in Berlin

Small parties can join the European Parliament due to the absence of a hindrance stipulation.

Unlike in Germany's Bundestag or state elections, there isn't a minimum threshold (minimum percentage of votes that must be earned to be represented in the European Parliament) during European elections. In theory, even a tiny fraction of the votes (less than one percent) could send a representative.

As per ARD and ZDF's estimations, Volt could potentially win 2-3 seats, while the Free Voters might secure the same amount depending on the calculation. The Animal Welfare Party could possibly get 1-2 seats, and the Family Party and ODP one each. Consistent forecasts predict that The Satire Party - Die Partei will receive two seats, similar to the 2019 European elections.

This wide range of representation in parliament is due to a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court in 2011. It determined that the five-percent threshold for European elections went against the fairness of political parties, making it unconstitutional. However, there are ongoing efforts to reinstate this threshold.

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