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Slight rise in unemployment in November

The labor market in Baden-Württemberg is bobbing along. Seasonal effects are slowing down the rise in unemployment. Nevertheless, it is significantly higher than a year ago.

"Agentur für Arbeit" hangs above the entrance to the Federal Employment Agency.
"Agentur für Arbeit" hangs above the entrance to the Federal Employment Agency.

Federal Employment Agency - Slight rise in unemployment in November

In view of the weak economy, the mood on the labor market in the southwest has continued to deteriorate. In November, 249,138 people were registered as unemployed in the state - 596 or 0.2 percent more than in October, according to the regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) in Stuttgart on Thursday. The unemployment rate remained unchanged compared to the previous month at 3.9 percent. Compared to November 2022, however, the number of unemployed rose by 9.4 percent. At that time, the agency had recorded 227,811 people without a job. The rate had been 3.6 percent.

Unemployment typically falls in the fall months. Last year, the number of unemployed fell by more than 1,200 from October to November. The so-called autumn upturn is weaker this year. However, without these seasonal influences, the number of unemployed would have risen more sharply, according to the employment agency. Negative economic influences are still visible, it said.

However, the number of unemployed people under the age of 25 fell again in November. The reason for this was that young people continued to take up employment and training contracts. The unemployment rate for this group was 2.9 percent.

In view of this development, the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) warned of a creeping reduction in employment. "The warning signals are getting louder," said DGB regional head Kai Burmeister. Employers are expected to keep employees in the company. This explicitly includes temporary workers. He called on the state government to now provide targeted economic stimulus. This would secure jobs and stabilize the economy. A rigorous austerity course would be fatal, he warned.

Stefan Küpper, Managing Director of Unternehmer Baden-Württemberg and responsible for the labor market, called on the federal government in particular to take countermeasures: It will now be crucial that the coalition of the SPD, Greens and FDP does not make any cuts at the expense of the growth-promoting part of the 2024 federal budget when implementing the Karlsruhe budget ruling, he said. Otherwise, the expected slight recovery of the economy and the labor market in the coming year would be stifled again.

Across Germany, the number of unemployed fell by 1,000 compared to the previous month to 2.606 million. According to the Federal Agency, this is 172,000 more than in November 2022. The nationwide unemployment rate in November was 5.6 percent. The cut-off date for the latest figures was November 13.

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