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Slight mishaps in local polling places: No recurrence.

Differences of opinion arose in a couple of municipalities in Brandenburg during the recent local voting.

A piece of paper with the inscription "Ballot box local election" lies on a ballot box in a polling...
A piece of paper with the inscription "Ballot box local election" lies on a ballot box in a polling station.

Regional polls - Slight mishaps in local polling places: No recurrence.

A township in Michendorf, situated within the Potsdam-Mittelmark district, failed to secure enough ballots for their local councillors' election. This was disclosed on Friday by the deputy election manager. The mishap resulted in 31 voters not receiving their ballots. With an estimated population of 14,000, officials determined that a by-election wouldn't be necessary due to the insignificant number of voters affected. Anticipating a participation rate of 80 percent, ballots were ordered but turned out to be insufficient in certain cases. The "Märkische Allgemeine" was the first to report the incident.

Meanwhile, Sydower Fließ in the Landkreis Barnim experienced an issue with software used for determining council seats distribution. According to a spokeswoman from the state election office, this was a unique problem that the software couldn't handle, but has since been resolved. The Berlin-Brandenburg Statistics Agency was in touch with the software developer about this matter. An update had already been made accessible following the issue.

The state election office received no other reports of complaints related to this kind of scenario. The "Märkische Oderzeitung" published the news.

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