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Slight increase in average earnings in Saxony in 2023

Average wages and salaries have risen in Saxony. However, there are considerable differences depending on the sector.

Average earnings have risen in Saxony
Average earnings have risen in Saxony

Increased earnings - Slight increase in average earnings in Saxony in 2023

Full-time employees earned on average approximately 3,800 Euro gross in the previous year. This was nearly 300 Euro more than in 2022, as the Statistical Office in Kamenz reported. This figure does not include special payments such as holiday or Christmas bonuses.

The lowest earnings were therefore in the hospitality industry (2,730 Euro) and in agriculture, forestry, and fishing (2,862 Euro). On the other hand, full-time employees in the field of education and teaching earned around 5,000 Euro, and those in the information and communication sector earned 4,863 Euro.

Saxony's Statistical Office in Kamenz also highlighted that the average income in the Saxony region saw a significant increase, with workers in various industries reporting higher earnings. Despite the improvement, full-time employees in the Saxony region, particularly those within the hospitality industry and agriculture, forestry, and fishing sectors, still had lower earnings compared to their counterparts in the education and teaching field, or in the information and communication sector. The improvement in earnings was evident even in Kamenz, a city within Saxony, where the average income increase was noticeable.

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