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Slight fall in unemployment in NRW

Slightly fewer people were unemployed in NRW in November than in October. The rate remained at 7.2 percent. The fall upturn was weaker for men than for women. Experts blame the economy for this.

Building of the Federal Employment
Building of the Federal Employment

Slight fall in unemployment in NRW

Unemployment in North Rhine-Westphalia fell slightly in November. The number of unemployed people in the most populous federal state fell by 0.6 percent compared to October to 708,600 people, as announced by the Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency on Thursday. The unemployment rate remained at 7.2 percent. A year earlier, it had stood at 6.9 percent. "A fall in unemployment is usual in November, but this month it was lower than was to be expected based on the long-term average," explained the regional directorate.

The labor market developed in two directions, said Regional Directorate Head Roland Schüßler. "While unemployment among women and young people fell almost seasonally, the labor market for men continued to tread water." Women benefited from the fact that they often sought employment in service professions. Men, on the other hand, tended to work in production, where the weak economy is making itself felt. The fall upturn was therefore significantly weaker for men.

Skilled workers are in demand

Despite a reluctance to hire and declining reports of vacancies, the following applies: "Those with a qualifying education remain in demand on the labor market," said Schüßler. At the moment, there are 222 applicants for every 100 vacancies for skilled workers. Those looking for work without training have significantly more competition: there are 1260 applicants for every 100 jobs for unskilled workers.

Unemployment developed differently. It fell in most regions. The rate was 9.8 percent in the Ruhr region, 6.9 percent in the Rhineland and Bergisches Land, 5.7 percent in Ostwestfalen-Lippe and 4.6 percent in Münsterland. Unemployment only rose slightly in South Westphalia. At 5.6%, the rate there remained at the same level as the previous month. The lowest rate nationwide was recorded by the employment agency in Coesfeld at 4 percent. The highest was recorded in Duisburg at 12.6 percent.

The ongoing demand for skilled workers in the labor market was highlighted by Regional Directorate Head Roland Schüßler, with 222 applicants for every 100 vacancies for skilled workers. Conversely, the competition for unskilled jobs is significantly higher, with 1260 applicants for every 100 jobs.

In the context of the Labor market developments, Schüßler noted that while unemployment among women and young people decreased, the job market for men remained stagnant, partly due to the weak economy affecting production sectors where they typically work.




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