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Slight fall in the number of unemployed in Schleswig-Holstein

Compared to May, there are slightly fewer people without a permanent job in the North. Compared to the previous year, however, the situation is different.

The logo of the Federal Employment Agency is displayed on the façade of the agency's branch office.
The logo of the Federal Employment Agency is displayed on the façade of the agency's branch office.

Employment - Slight fall in the number of unemployed in Schleswig-Holstein

The number of unemployed people in Schleswig-Holstein decreased by approximately 500 to around 89,000 in June compared to May. The unemployment rate was 5.5% and remained unchanged compared to the previous month, according to the Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency in Kiel on Friday. One year ago, the rate was 5.3%. The Federal Employment Agency used data up to June 15 for the statistics.

The decrease in unemployment in Schleswig-Holstein this June is notably less stark when compared to the reduction seen a year ago. Analyzing the labor market statistics reveals that Schleswig-Holstein currently has a lower unemployment rate compared to many other regions in the country.

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