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Slight decline in the number of ATMs blown up in Saxony

ATMs are repeatedly blown up in Saxony. There is often extensive damage to the machines, buildings and vehicles in the vicinity. What can be done?

View of a destroyed ATM.
View of a destroyed ATM.

Crime - Slight decline in the number of ATMs blown up in Saxony

The number of ATMs being blown up in Saxony is falling slightly. Seven cases had been registered in the state by the end of November, the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) announced in response to an inquiry. There were ten cases in the same period in 2022 and 17 in 2018. No information was provided on the amount of money stolen.

Unknown persons blew up two vending machines in Glashütte (district of Saxon Switzerland - Eastern Ore Mountains) at the end of September. The loud bang woke up numerous residents in the early morning. Six residents of the house in which the vending machine was located had to leave the building temporarily.

The damage to the machines and the buildings is usually more serious than the damage caused by the thefts. Often, parked vehicles in the vicinity of the blast are also damaged by flying debris. According to the LKA, there were no injuries during the attacks this year because the perpetrators usually struck at night.

Just over a year ago, Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) invited people to a nationwide round table on ATM blasts. The discussion focused on protective measures such as possibly closing self-service foyers at night or reducing the amount of cash in the machines.

The experts also advised the use of special coloring or adhesive systems. This involves sticking the improperly opened cash or making it unusable with paint. This measure has had a high preventative effect in the Netherlands, emphasized a spokesperson for the LKA.

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