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Slight all-clear for flooding in the Serengeti Park

The critical flood situation at the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, Lower Saxony, has eased further. The water has receded again, as a spokeswoman for the theme park north of Hanover told the German Press Agency on Tuesday. The main access road to the park is passable again.

Volunteers from the THW and DLRG working on a dyke next to the access road to the Serengeti
Volunteers from the THW and DLRG working on a dyke next to the access road to the Serengeti Park.

Heath district - Slight all-clear for flooding in the Serengeti Park

The critical flood situation at the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, Lower Saxony, has eased further. The water has receded again, as a spokeswoman for the theme park north of Hanover told the German Press Agency on Tuesday. The main access road to the park is passable again.

However, there is still no central power supply and generators are being used. "Some animals are still in temporary accommodation," said the spokesperson - such as blue wildebeest and meerkats. It is not yet clear when the animals will be able to return to their actual accommodation. The enclosures must be supplied with electricity again and thoroughly disinfected, said the spokeswoman. It is not yet possible to say how much damage has been caused.

Over the past few days, park staff had prepared an emergency evacuation plan for transporting the antelopes and giraffes under anaesthetic. This plan did not have to be implemented as the water in the animal house sank again. Such anesthesia would have been a great risk for the animals, said the spokeswoman.

The Meiße River, which had burst its banks, borders the zoo. There are also several watercourses and lakes on the site that overflowed due to the rising groundwater. The park is home to lions, rhinos, tigers and elephants, among others.

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