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Skills shortage: Steinmeier in porcelain factory

Federal President Steinmeier is looking to get close to the people - in Weiden in the Upper Palatinate. He began the third day with a visit to a medium-sized company.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (r) has porcelain printer Mariella DeLuca explain the...
German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (r) has porcelain printer Mariella DeLuca explain the decoration of a plate during his visit to the Seltmann company in Weiden.

Debate culture - Skills shortage: Steinmeier in porcelain factory

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier focused on the regional economy during the third day of his visit to Weiden in Oberpfalz. At the example of the porcelain factory Seltmann, he wanted to learn how rising energy costs, the skilled labor shortage, and increasing bureaucracy were affecting the business.

During a tour of the factory, Steinmeier was shown by employees how they decorated dishes and even tried his hand at making a plate. During packaging, he inspected the porcelain carefully before packing it in paper boxes with cotton gloves.

Besides rising costs and the constant search for qualified employees, the company is particularly concerned with dealing with bureaucracy and a multitude of new laws. "We can't keep up", said company owner Christian Seltmann. The requirements were almost no longer feasible, and there was hardly any qualified personnel for the task.

Moreover, too much was being deducted from the gross wages of employees, especially those in lower wage groups. Raising costs for customers would drive his company out of the market, argued Seltmann. The deputy works council chairman Jürgen Jakob said, looking at social benefits, that some were considering whether it was still worth working. "We feel left alone", said Seltmann to politics.

For three days, the Federal President conducted his official duties from Weiden in Oberpfalz. With the project "Ortszeit Deutschland" (Regional Time Germany), he visited regions that are otherwise less in the spotlight of the public. On Thursday, there were still plans for a visit to a Bundeswehr base and an award ceremony for worthy citizens.

  1. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, as the Federal President, expressed interest in the challenges faced by Municipalities in the Upper Palatinate, specifically in the context of the rising energy costs and skilled labor shortage.
  2. The packaging sector in Bavaria's OBERPFALZ region, including companies like the porcelain factory Seltmann, is affected by the skills shortage, making it difficult to comply with the increasing bureaucracy and numerous new laws.
  3. In his debate with the Federal President, Christian Seltmann, the owner of the porcelain factory, mentioned that due to the constant deductions from employees' gross wages, especially in lower wage groups, raising costs for customers could lead to the company's demise.
  4. Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed his concerns about the current situation in Germany's various regions, such as Weiden in Oberpfalz, noting that the focus should shift towards developing a stronger culture of dialogue and collaboration between the Federal Government and local Municipalities.
  5. To address the skills shortage and help businesses like the Seltmann porcelain factory, various initiatives could be introduced, such as targeted training programs and incentives for attracting qualified personnel to rural areas in Germany.

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