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Skilled trades lose over 9 percent of trainees in 10 years

The skilled trades sector in North Rhine-Westphalia has seen a significant decline in the number of trainees in a 10-year comparison. According to figures from the State Statistical Office, just under 77,000 people were training in the skilled trades at the end of 2022. Compared to 2013, this...

Apprentices work with a metal file on vices in a training workshop. If the vocational school
Apprentices work with a metal file on vices in a training workshop. If the vocational school is further away, residential accommodation is important for apprentices.

Statistics - Skilled trades lose over 9 percent of trainees in 10 years

The skilled trades sector in North Rhine-Westphalia has seen a significant decline in the number of trainees in a 10-year comparison. According to figures from the State Statistical Office, just under 77,000 people were training in the skilled trades at the end of 2022. Compared to 2013, this is a decrease of 9.3 percent, as IT.NRW announced in Düsseldorf on Thursday.

There was an above-average drop among women. The statisticians report a fall of almost 35 percent in the number of female trainees since 2013. For men, the decline is 2.6 percent.

There has been a ripple effect over the past 10 years. From 2013 to 2016, the number of training contracts fell by 7311. Until shortly before the coronavirus pandemic, there was an increase again at 2682. Since coronavirus, however, the number of trainees has been falling again.

There has been little change in the ranking of the most popular training occupations in a 10-year comparison. Motor vehicle mechatronics technicians remain in first to third place, ahead of electronics technicians and plant mechanics in sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology. The hairdressing trade recorded the most significant decline (- 43 percent), while the plant mechanics (+ 24.1) and electronics technicians (+ 28.5) saw the largest increases.

For years, skilled trades companies have been complaining that too many pupils are opting for higher education instead of vocational training. The State Office for Statistics also provides figures on this subject to coincide with "Education Day" (Friday). Just under 30 percent of the population in NRW aged between 25 and 64 was highly qualified as of December 31, 2022. By this, the statisticians mean a master craftsman, university of applied sciences or university degree. IT.NRW does not provide comparative figures for previous years.

At 27.3%, the proportion of women is lower than that of men (32.0%). The statisticians refer here to the low proportion of highly qualified women in the 45+ age group. In the younger age group (25 to 34), women (35.6) have long since overtaken men (31).

Communication on the skilled trades Communication on the highly qualified

Read also:

  1. Despite the decline in the skilled trades sector in North Rhine-Westphalia, there are still ample opportunities for individuals, such as women, to pursue a craft career and contribute to the industry's growth.
  2. Statistics show that men in North Rhine-Westphalia have seen a minor decrease in the number of trainees in the skilled trades sector over the past 10 years, while women have experienced a significant drop.
  3. The city of Düsseldorf, located in North Rhine-Westphalia, serves as a platform for important announcements related to the skilled trades sector, such as the recent figures released by IT.NRW regarding the decline in the number of trainees.
  4. While the hairdressing trade in North Rhine-Westphalia has experienced a significant drop in trainees over the past 10 years, other sectors such as plant mechanics and electronics technicians have seen a notable increase.




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