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Ski season starts on the Zugspitze

The lifts on Germany's highest mountain are usually at the forefront when the ski season opens. This year is different - but the anticipation still seems great.

Skiers are on the slopes at the start of the ski season on the Zugspitze.
Skiers are on the slopes at the start of the ski season on the Zugspitze.

Winter sports - Ski season starts on the Zugspitze

From Friday, skiers can make their first turns on the Zugspitze. Winter operations start on Germany's highest mountain - a good two days after the first lifts in the Black Forest and one day later than on the Söllereck in the Allgäu. The heavy snowfall over the past few days has shaken up the order of the season opening.

Ski fans will once again have to dig deeper into their pockets. Depending on the ski resort, it is likely to be between just under four and ten percent. On the Zugspitze and in the Garmisch Classic ski area, where the season is not scheduled to start until mid-December, a day ticket will cost 62 euros, 5 euros more than last season. In Austria, prices are also rising by up to ten percent.

Nevertheless, the anticipation seems great. "Season ticket sales are going very well, interest in winter sports is unbroken," said Antonia Asenstorfer, Managing Director of the Alpen Plus ski resorts and board member of the Association of German Cable Cars and T-bar Lifts. After two corona years and a winter dominated by the energy crisis, it looks like a normal winter again for the first time, said Verena Tanzer, spokeswoman for the Bayerische Zugspitzbahn.

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. Despite the price increase, tourists are eager to engage in winter sports in Bavaria, with Garmisch-Partenkirchen being a popular destination.
  2. During their leisure time, many visitors plan to explore the slopes of the Allgäu region, known for its excellent ski conditions.
  3. Families and winter sports enthusiasts may consider traveling to Germany during the ski season, as the Black Forest also offers a variety of winter activities.
  4. Although the Zugspitze kicked off the ski season, other famous German mountains, such as the Söllereck in the Allgäu, are eagerly awaiting their turn.
  5. As the seasons change in Germany, tourists can still find opportunities for winter sports in various regions, ensuring an enjoyable leisure time.


