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Sixty-eight forest fires have occurred in the state, with Woidke advising caution.

Brandenburg's forest fire risks are currently minimal, but Minister President Woidke is already cautious about the approaching summer and advising vigilance.

Ein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Schütz den Wald vor Brandgefahr" hängt an einem Waldweg.
Ein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Schütz den Wald vor Brandgefahr" hängt an einem Waldweg.

Safeguarding the natural world - Sixty-eight forest fires have occurred in the state, with Woidke advising caution.

In Brandenburg, a total of 68 forest fires have been reported this forest fire season, which started in early March. These fires have affected approximately 11 hectares of forest land, says the State Chancellery in Potsdam.

Back in 2021, the forest fire season was relatively calmer with 245 forest fires and 763 hectares of forest land burned. The situation worsened in 2022, with 523 forest fires raging across the state, affecting 1,426 hectares.

At the moment, the forest fire risk in Brandenburg is either very low or low, as per the German Weather Service's forecast for the coming days. However, in spite of this, Brandenburg's Minister-President, Dietmar Woidke (SPD), is urging people to remain cautious as we approach the summer months. He noted, "Each fire can destroy habitats and potentially put people, plants, and animals in harm's way." Woidke further added that about 90% of all forest fires in the region are caused by humans and could have been avoided. He plans to meet with fire stations in Prignitz and Uckermark this week.

Brandenburg is known for its high forest fire risk, due to its lack of rainfall, abundant coniferous forests, and sandy soils. The Environment Ministry has implemented a law banning fires or smoking within a 50-meter radius of the forest edge or within the forest itself throughout the entire year. The risk of forest fires is determined by factors like air temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation levels, and solar radiation.

Here is the latest forest fire danger forecast for Brandenburg: Forecast Forest fire danger in Brandenburg

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