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Sirens due to storm surge: emergency services on duty

Due to the expected effects of the severe storm surge, the central disaster team of the Hamburg Interior Ministry has been on duty since 5.00 am. "A water level of 5.20 meters is expected, which corresponds to water level 1, and the disaster team is therefore taking up its duties," a...

Two Hamburg Wasser employees, responsible for the flood gates, stand at the jetties.
Two Hamburg Wasser employees, responsible for the flood gates, stand at the jetties.

Storm - Sirens due to storm surge: emergency services on duty

Due to the expected effects of the severe storm surge, the central disaster team of the Hamburg Interior Ministry has been on duty since 5.00 am. "A water level of 5.20 meters is expected, which corresponds to water level 1, and the disaster team is therefore taking up its duties," a spokesperson for the Interior Ministry told the German Press Agency in Hamburg on Friday. 5.20 meters above sea level corresponds to 3.05 meters above mean high water.

This also means that the sirens were already sounding in the Elbe region at around 7.15 am. "We have already warned the population with sirens. It's not that long until 11.00 am. We're already starting now." Warnings via the warning apps and on social media will follow in the next few minutes. The aim is to warn people not to stay in areas close to the Elbe.

In addition, flood protection measures are now beginning in the Elbe area. These include closing the flood protection gates and evacuating and closing off certain areas. This does not affect inhabited areas, but mainly industrial and commercial areas, the spokesperson continued. Anyone working there will not be able to get to their workplace until midday. "There will be restrictions in the entire Elbe area until midday. That's fair to say." However, the entire port will not be closed, but only selectively.

According to the information provided, the disaster teams in Hamburg-Mitte, Bergedorf and Harburg also went on duty at water level 1. "The fire department and police also have a lot of personnel in the background who can all react immediately if the situation worsens."

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