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Silence regulations: When is it quieter in Germany?

When is it permitted?

Can't sleep because your neighbors are making noise? If this happens within the statutory quiet...
Can't sleep because your neighbors are making noise? If this happens within the statutory quiet hours, you can take action against it.

Silence regulations: When is it quieter in Germany?

Sundays: mowing the lawn or hammering a picture on the wall at night - these activities can be costly both financially and socially. In Germany, there are legal provisions for noise protection that regulate these situations. Let's take a look at them.

Mowing the lawn on Sundays, kids screaming early in the morning, or a loud party late into the night - these scenarios can result in neighborhood conflicts. While some neighbors may just have to endure certain situations, other activities violate the legal rest periods or noise protection regulations and can be reported as a violation.

However, keeping track of all these rules is not easy: rest periods are not mandated on a national level, but rather decided by states and municipalities. Sometimes, they're even regulated by private entities such as housing associations. Here's a rundown.

Sunday and Holiday Rest

Across all federal states, Sunday and holiday rest applies. This means: on Sundays and legal holidays, any work that disrupts the peace of the holiday is banned 24/7. This includes noisy tasks like drilling, hammering, mowing the lawn, or playing loud music. If a neighbor complains, fines of up to 5000 euros could follow.

Night Rest

In all federal states, night rest also applies - every weekday between 10 pm and 6 am or 7 am. Exceptions are made for outdoor catering establishments between 10 pm and midnight.

During the night rest, activities that disturb rest are prohibited. No laws specify at what decibel level noise becomes bothersome, but a general rule is to keep the noise level at around 35 to 40 decibels if possible.

Neighbors are expected to tolerate noises like roller shutters, toilet flushing, and showering - even at night. Babies and children should also be tolerated to a certain extent.

Is there a midday rest?

There's no nationwide or statewide regulation for a midday rest. It's only specified by some municipalities or housing associations. Check their websites or your rental agreement for specifics.

However, there are also some noise protection regulations outside of the rest periods. According to the German Federal Immission Control Act, not all gardening work and construction machines can be operated at any time. For example, leaf blowers and other loud machines are not allowed to be used on weekdays between 7 and 9 am, 1 and 3 pm, and 7 and 8 pm.

What to do when the neighbors are noisy?

Many people are unsure how to handle persistent noise from neighbors. It's advisable to try talking to them first, explaining why the noise is bothersome. If this doesn't work, reach out to the housing association or landlord. For extreme noise pollution, you can go directly to the order office or the police.

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