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Significantly more shoplifting and pickpocketing than in 2022

If you are out and about in Hamburg, you should always keep a close eye on your valuables. Because there are also many pickpockets and shoplifters here. The number of crimes has changed significantly.

A police patrol car with flashing blue lights at a scene.
A police patrol car with flashing blue lights at a scene.

Hamburg - Significantly more shoplifting and pickpocketing than in 2022

A deliberate reach into the pocket of the person in front of you on the escalator or an inconspicuous pocketing of goods in a department store: numerous bag and shoplifters have once again been up to mischief in Hamburg this year. Compared to the same period last year, thieves were even more active between January and September than in 2022. Exactly 15,567 cases (2022: 10,632) of shoplifting and 10,387 cases (2022: 7603) of pickpocketing were registered in the first nine months of this year, according to an answer from the Hamburg Senate to a question from the CDU parliamentary group. This corresponds to an increase of 46 and 37 percent respectively.

In the same period, 10,261 thefts from cars and 2,466 burglaries from homes were also registered. Here, too, the figures had increased compared to January to September 2022. Only the number of bicycle thefts fell slightly. By the end of September, 10,800 bikes had been stolen in Hamburg, compared to 330 more in the same period last year.

The clearance rates are only high for shoplifting, where almost 90 percent of cases can be solved. As a rule, however, the thieves are caught in the act. Otherwise, the rates vary between 3.4 percent and 9.1 percent.

For Dennis Thering, Chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, the increased figures are an alarm signal that should not be ignored. "The police and public prosecutor's office must be staffed up so that proceedings can be expedited and the perpetrators brought to justice. Clear-up rates of just 3.4 percent for car break-ins and 8 percent for house theft are an indictment of poverty and a slap in the face for the victims!"

Read also:

  1. The CDU parliamentary group in Hamburg believes that the significant increase in shoplifting and pickpocketing cases, including a 46% rise in shoplifting and a 37% increase in pickpocketing, warrants attention and action.
  2. As a response to the escalating criminality, Dennis Thering, the Chair of the CDU parliamentary group, advocates for strengthening the police and public prosecutor's office to expedite proceedings and bring perpetrators to justice.
  3. In the packed department stores of Hamburg, keeping an eye on your belongings while using the escalator has become even more crucial, as pickpockets have become increasingly active this year.


