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Significantly more people in need of care expected in Berlin by 2030

According to a forecast, Berlin is already facing a significant increase in the number of people in need of care in the coming years. With around 185,500 people in need of care in the capital at the end of 2021, this figure is expected to rise to at least around 205,000 by 2030, according to...

A woman in need of care sits behind a walker in an apartment.
A woman in need of care sits behind a walker in an apartment.

Health - Significantly more people in need of care expected in Berlin by 2030

According to a forecast,Berlin is already facing a significant increase in the number of people in need of care in the coming years. With around 185,500 people in need of care in the capital at the end of 2021, this figure is expected to rise to at least around 205,000 by 2030, according to the Senate Department for Science, Health and Care's own calculations on Tuesday. For the period 2021 to 2030, this corresponds to a relative increase of a good ten percent.

The increase in the current decade will be attributable in particular to people aged 80 and over, but also to the group of 65 to 80-year-olds, it said. By 2040, a further but less pronounced increase is expected, to at least around 208,000 people in need of care. "The forecast results make it clear once again how great the need for action in the care sector is in the short and medium term," said care senator Ina Czyborra (SPD), according to a statement.

According to the authority, the forecast is based on the 2021 care statistics and the population forecast for the state of Berlin for 2022. As future developments are heavily dependent on reforms to the care insurance system, the forecast should be seen as a baseline forecast: According to current knowledge, it tends to represent the lower end of future developments. Criteria for statutory long-term care insurance were applied.

Forecast number of people in need of care

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