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Significantly less money for Jelbi stations

Sharing services are seen as a practical addition to local public transport. However, the governing coalition is making less money available for this than before. The Greens have no sympathy for this.

E-scooters, electric scooters and bicycles from various rental providers can be found in a Jelbi...
E-scooters, electric scooters and bicycles from various rental providers can be found in a Jelbi sharing zone at Alexanderplatz.

Transport policy - Significantly less money for Jelbi stations

For the financing of Jelbi-Stations for renting sharing-vehicles in Berlin, there will be significantly less money available in the future. The Senatsverwaltung for Transport and Environment confirmed this in response to a written inquiry from Green parliamentarian Antje Kapek, which was obtained by the dpa.

According to this, there were still approximately 8,892,100 Euro available for Jelbi-Stations and Jelbi-Points in the double budget for 2022/2023. However, only about 3,550,800 Euro are planned for 2024/2025. Via the Jelbi booking platform, you can rent approximately E-scooters, E-mopeds, or bicycles.

Kapek accuses the Senate of backward transportation policy

Further cuts due to budget savings for all Senate departments are not planned for the Transport Administration, according to the Transport Administration. Due to the so-called flat-rate savings in the current double budget, each department must save two percent of its budget.

Kapek, transportation policy spokesperson for her fraction in the Berlin State Parliament, sees this critically: "The fact that the Berlin Senate is cutting the budget for Jelbi-Stations and Jelbi-Points by roughly one third once again highlights the backward mobility policy of Black-Red," she said.

"In the end, all Berliners are the sufferers"

This not only means savings on a future-oriented mobility offer but also on traffic safety. In the end, all Berliners, women and men, will bear the burden. "Those who wish for a practical and modern mobility and those who rely on free pedestrian zones."

According to the Transport Administration's statements, the Land Berlin finances the establishment and operation of Jelbi-Points and -Stations in two ways. On the one hand, there is money for the testing of mobility stations within the framework of the transportation contract with the Berlin Transport Companies (BVG). On the other hand, there is money for the creation of parking spaces for rental cars within the framework of a 2022 pilot project.

  1. The decrease in funding for Jelbi-Stations could impact Berlin's traffic and environment, as stated by Alliance 90/The Greens member Antje Kapek.
  2. In response to budget savings, only 3,550,800 Euro are allocated for Jelbi-Stations and Jelbi-Points in 2024/2025, compared to the 8,892,100 Euro available in 2022/2023.
  3. Kapek criticizes the Berlin Senate's lending policies, arguing that the significant reduction in funds for Jelbi-Stations and Jelbi-Points highlights a backward transportation policy.
  4. The finances for Jelbi-Stations and Jelbi-Points come from two sources: the transportation contract with Berlin Transport Companies (BVG) for mobility station testing and a 2022 pilot project for rental car parking spaces.
  5. The transport policy changes could affect everyone in Berlin, potentially impacting both those advocating for practical and modern transportation and those relying on free pedestrian zones.

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