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Significantly fewer jobs: stagnation on the labor market

The economic slowdown is becoming increasingly noticeable on the Thuringian labor market: Employers are reporting fewer vacancies.

The logo of the Federal Employment Agency lights up.
The logo of the Federal Employment Agency lights up.

Statistics - Significantly fewer jobs: stagnation on the labor market

Subdued development on Thuringia's labor market: The number of people without a job fell only slightly by 200 to 64,100 unemployed in November, as the regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency announced on Thursday. In November 2022, however, there were almost 5,000 fewer unemployed people in the state at 59,300. The unemployment rate was now 5.8 percent after 5.9 percent in October.

One reason for the lack of momentum is fewer job vacancies. "Since the beginning of the year, job registrations have been almost a fifth lower than in 2022," said Markus Behrens, head of the regional directorate. In a state comparison, the unemployment rate in Thuringia was on a par with Brandenburg. All other eastern German states had higher rates.

Forecast - slight rise in unemployment

Behrens said: "We do not expect a slump in the labor market in the coming months, although unemployment will rise at the end of the year and at the beginning of the new year due to seasonal factors."

According to the regional directorate, 5900 unemployed people from Ukraine were registered with the employment agencies and job centers - 400 fewer than in October.

The economic slowdown has had a particular impact on people who are finding it difficult to find a job. In October, around 22,200 men and women had been unemployed for more than a year and were therefore considered long-term unemployed. That was around 200 more than in October, but 2,400 more than in November 2022. The proportion of long-term unemployed rose by two points to 35%.

Companies are hiring less

"The lack of a foundation for the upswing is making companies hesitant to hire new staff. In addition, the order situation is weakening," said Behrens.

The managing director of the regional directorate pointed out that the number of unemployed men has risen - also for seasonal reasons, because outdoor professions are affected. For younger people, foreigners and women, there has been a decline in unemployment.

In total, around 4700 people registered as unemployed in Thuringia in November, most of them from industry and construction, business services and temporary work. 3600 unemployed men and women found employment in the primary labor market.

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