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Significantly fewer cases of flu in MV so far

The coronavirus still accounts for a large proportion of respiratory infections in the North East - especially among older people. However, according to the state health authority, flu cases are below the level of the previous season.

Various medications on a table.
Various medications on a table.

Viral infection - Significantly fewer cases of flu in MV so far

At the halfway point of the cold season, the number of reported respiratory illnesses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is at a "typical level for the time of year". This was announced by the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lagus) in Rostock on Thursday. An increase in colds had been observed since the 48th calendar week, but it was significantly lower than in the previous season. In the 51st calendar week, the number of respiratory tract infections even fell again.

Coronaviruses (971 findings) and rhinoviruses (745 findings) have been detected most frequently as the cause of colds in the random surveys since October. "With a positive rate of almost 25 percent, Sars-CoV-2 has accounted for the largest proportion so far, with older people in particular being affected," said Martina Littmann, Head of the Health Department. However, the increase in corona infections has not continued in the past three weeks.

According to Lagus, the number of flu cases so far is significantly lower than last year. Around 400 influenza infections have been reported since the start of the season. In the previous season, the Lagus had already counted more than 10,000 cases at the same time - before the start of the pandemic, i.e. in the 2019/2020 season, there were 103 cases. Last year, the flu epidemic started unusually early in November and was very severe, explained the Lagus. So far this season, the figures are still low - but are currently rising significantly.

At the end of the year, there was also a significant increase in respiratory syncytial viruses, Littmann added. "Based on the experience of previous seasons, it can be assumed that this rising trend will continue at the beginning of the year."

The Lagus pointed out that vaccination against influenza and the coronavirus is still recommended, especially for risk groups. Until mid-April, Lagus will report weekly on respiratory diseases in the North East.

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