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Significant destruction and a hurt individual were caused by a fire at [location].

A barn situated between two homes ignites, causing the fire to reach and affect both residential properties beyond just material loss.

A fire department vehicle is parked at a scene with its blue lights switched on.
A fire department vehicle is parked at a scene with its blue lights switched on.

District of Kusel - Significant destruction and a hurt individual were caused by a fire at [location].

Police authorities say that a fire at a barn and two nearby residences in Brücken (Kusel district) caused damage estimated in the low range of six figures. The incident took place on Saturday, and one man was reportedly injured. The injured individual was taken to a medical facility for medical attention. The buildings are now uninhabitable. Currently, officials are looking into the root cause of the fire.

The initial fire seems to have been in the barn. From there it spread to the two homes next to it. Additionally, two cars and a motorcycle were destroyed by the flames.

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The fire occurred in Brücken, which is located within the Kusel district of Rhineland-Palatinate. The police are investigating the origin of the fire that caused significant damage to a barn and two adjacent residences, as well as the destruction of two cars and a motorcycle.



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