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Sigmaringen elects Minister President Kretschmann.

Green Party's Winfried Kretschmann, Minister President, voted in Sigmaringen's Laiz district around 10.00 a.m. yesterday. He was accompanied by his wife Gerlinde. After casting his votes for the local and European elections, Kretschmann expressed his plans to see his grandchildren.

Winfried Kretschmann (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, stands in a...
Winfried Kretschmann (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, stands in a polling booth.

Local and European voting events - Sigmaringen elects Minister President Kretschmann.

A massive number of residents in Baden-Württemberg will be heading to the polls this Sunday. Up for grabs are positions in municipal councils, district councils, and local councils, with over 8.6 million eligible voters. Europeans have their eyes on the European elections, with 7.8 million German citizens eligible to vote. However, approximately 830,000 citizens from other EU countries residing in Baden-Württemberg will have the option to cast their ballots in Germany or their home country.

Insights on the European elections straight from the Interior Ministry. Get the details of the municipal elections with information from the State Central Office for Political Education. Visit the dashboard from the State Statistics Office to learn the outcome of the European elections. The Interior Ministry has all the information you need on the municipal elections.

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