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Siemens halts supply of ICE train models.

Uncovered safety inadequacies.

Deutsche Bahn has ordered new ICE trains from Siemens. But supplies could now be delayed.
Deutsche Bahn has ordered new ICE trains from Siemens. But supplies could now be delayed.

Siemens halts supply of ICE train models.

Siemens Halts Delivery of High-Speed Trains to Deutsche Bahn Over Construction Snafus

There've been quite a few complications with the floor panels and side sections of the speedy trains, as confirmed by a rep from Siemens Mobility. The same Siemens spokesperson also shed light on some quality concerns regarding the welding joints of one of their suppliers.

Confirming the news, the Siemens Mobility rep stated that the issues don't affect the trains already delivered and are still safe to operate. Out of the 90 ICE trains, only 21 have been delivered so far.

"Bild" newspaper reported that potential delays for future deliveries from Siemens might stretch out for several months, with some completed trains needing to be shipped back to the manufacturing line. The Siemens Mobility rep added: "We're in close communication with Deutsche Bahn and the supplier, working tirelessly to sort this problem out."

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