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Shots fired from alarm gun in Karlsruhe - arrests

The special task force is deployed in the eastern part of Karlsruhe. What was going on there on Monday evening?

Police raided an apartment in Karlsruhe in the evening and arrested two men (symbolic image).
Police raided an apartment in Karlsruhe in the evening and arrested two men (symbolic image).

Police operation - Shots fired from alarm gun in Karlsruhe - arrests

At a police operation in Karlsruhe, two men were arrested in the evening. They had caused commotion with several shots from a revolver. There was no danger for the population, a police spokesperson told the news agency dpa. No one was injured.

Witnesses in the Oststadt district had heard gunshots and alerted the response units. The police then surrounded the multi-family house from where the shots were heard. Due to the unclear situation, the Special Operations Command Baden-Württemberg was also called in.

Around 21:00 PM, a man then opened the apartment door and was temporarily arrested by the officers. Another man was taken from the apartment by the police. During the search, a revolver was secured.

The "Badische Neue Nachrichten" reported that heavily armed police had surrounded a multi-family house. A police drone was also used in the operation.

  1. The alarm gun was sounding in the Eastern city of Karlsruhe, signaling the commencement of a police operation.
  2. The Special task force from Baden-Württemberg's Special Operations Command joined the operation in Karlsruhe due to the unclear situation.
  3. The evening news reported about the incident in Karlsruhe, highlighting the involvement of the police and the Special task force.
  4. Several men were involved in the crime in Karlsruhe, leading to a police operation that involved the use of a drone and special weapons.
  5. The police operation in Karlsruhe resulted in the arrest of two men who were causing disturbances with an alarm gun.

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