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Shots fired at synagogue: prison sentence for 37-year-old from Bochum

A 37-year-old man is accused of firing two shots at the Bochum synagogue. The court imposes a prison sentence for these and other acts.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Processors - Shots fired at synagogue: prison sentence for 37-year-old from Bochum

Two and a half years after shots were fired at the synagogue in Bochum at night, the local district court has sentenced a 37-year-old man. On Wednesday, the judges handed down a sentence of three years and ten months in prison for the attack on the place of worship and other arson attacks. The judges were unable to establish with certainty in the verdict that the accused had committed the acts due to a right-wing extremist attitude. The man from Bochum had admitted to being fascinated by the Nazi era. However, the attack on the synagogue was not motivated by anti-Semitism, but was a coincidence, it was said.

A pane of glass at the place of worship had been destroyed in the attack. The defendant was convicted, among other things, by DNA traces that could be secured on two projectiles found at the scene of the crime.

The verdict is final; both the public prosecutor's office and the defense have waived their right to appeal, a spokesperson for the district court said in the evening.

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