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Shots fired at Bremen pub: landlord injured by shattered glass

Unknown persons fired several shots at a pub in Bremen on Thursday night. The 33-year-old landlord was slightly injured by flying shards of glass, according to the police. In addition to the landlord, two other people were in the pub at the time of the attack. They remained uninjured.

A blue light shines on a police patrol.
A blue light shines on a police patrol.

Crime - Shots fired at Bremen pub: landlord injured by shattered glass

The perpetrators fled. The police are now investigating the background of the shootings and are searching for the attackers.

Police Statement

In the city of Bremen, the attacked location was found to have remnants of shattered glass splinters, suggesting a possible violent entry. The authorities have warned the public to be vigilant, as the criminals may still be in possession of weapons.

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